a simple combobox

Eric Leissler
Eric Leissler
StrataFrame User (321 reputation)StrataFrame User (321 reputation)StrataFrame User (321 reputation)StrataFrame User (321 reputation)StrataFrame User (321 reputation)StrataFrame User (321 reputation)StrataFrame User (321 reputation)StrataFrame User (321 reputation)StrataFrame User (321 reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 0, Visits: 527
Hi ,

Im a french new user of strataframe, so excuse my language fault.

My problem.

I have a form with to businessobject.

The first is  ActeursBO

 It contain a table "acteurs" with  identifiant    int     identity and primary key

                                                 name        char(30)

                                                 firstname   char(10)

                                                 titre_id     int

The  data are

    IDENTIFIANT                     NAME                     FIRSTNAME                 TITRE_ID

                   1                        LEISSLER                ERIC                             3

                   2                        LEISSLER                COLETTE                        2

                   3                        LEISSLER                SEREINE                        1

THE second businnes object is


It contain  table   "titre" with   identifiant   int  identity   primarykey

                                             abrege            char(10)

                                             libelle             char(30)

and the data is

IDENTIFIANT               ABREGE                  LIBELLE

        1                          Melle                      Mademoiselle

        2                           Mme                      Madame

        3                           M.                          Monsieur

So in my form i have  acteursBO1  and  TitresBO1

in the property of titresbo1 i have  ParentbusinnesObject  = ActeursBo1

So i drop a  strataframe combobox in my form

on property  i go to Businnesobject and i select Acteursbo1

In bindingfields i select titre_id

in the property Plulatiopndatasourcesettings  i select in busines obect type titresbo

in display member i select abrege and in value number i select identifiant

When i execute i have an error  at the line

ctype(component,acteursbo).titre_id = ctupe(value,system.int32)

the error is the conversion of type  dbnull  in type integer is not valid

What can i do ?

what i have not do ?

what i have to do  ?

i don't find in the example à simple exemple with a simple combobox.

Somebody  can  send an  sample example like this problem ?

I will thank you for the time  you pass'd to read this post

Best regard



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