SQL Views and Indexes

Aaron Young
Aaron Young
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I would like to add indexes to a couple of SQL Views in the DDT. However, when I edit the view in the DDT it doesn't detect all of the field names in the view. As a result, I can't add an index as it only allows an index to be added to a field that is detected in the view.

Is there a way around this?



Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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What, you can't just imagine those indexes in there? BigGrin

It looks like a bug...I will get it fixed right now and post an update.  Thanks!

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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It is fixed.  I have just attached the DDT and I ams also assuming that you are on the most recent 1.6.6 build (http://forum.strataframe.net/FindPost17560.aspx).  If this is the case, you can just copy the attached EXE to the c:\program files\microfour\strataframe folder (I think that it where it should be Smile ) and just replace the other EXE.
DatabaseDTK.zip (215 views, 977.00 KB)
Aaron Young
Aaron Young
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I can imagine them in there but it appears some customers can't. Smile

It appears a customer is trying to run a SQL query against one of our views with a WHERE clause and there is no index on the field. It was never intended for that purpose but the query is scanning through 20,000 records to return several hundred so a bump in performance will be welcome.

Wonder if I can charge for the performance bump Smile

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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LOL...I undertstand....and I think that a performance bump is totally billable! BigGrin
Aaron Young
Aaron Young
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Now come on - that is ridiculous. I post a problem at 4.26pm, you confirm it is a bug and have it fixed by 4.34pm? What were you doing keeping me waiting for those 8 minutes? Scandalous! Smile

What can I say - excellent service again! Smile

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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LOL...I knew that you were probably in the middle of it and it looked to be a quick fix.  They can't all be that fast, but we try to accomodate when we can!
Aaron Young
Aaron Young
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You were right - I did really need it. Of course it means I have to do some work now Sad

Thanks again - I really appreciate it!!!!!!


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