Selected days changed when creating a restriction set.

Keith Gordijn
Keith Gordijn
StrataFrame Novice (97 reputation)StrataFrame Novice (97 reputation)StrataFrame Novice (97 reputation)StrataFrame Novice (97 reputation)StrataFrame Novice (97 reputation)StrataFrame Novice (97 reputation)StrataFrame Novice (97 reputation)StrataFrame Novice (97 reputation)StrataFrame Novice (97 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 35, Visits: 2.6K
Hi All,

I am looking at creating restriction sets and have come across some wierd bebehavior

In the attached jpg the security editor is open and the front desk restriction set is selected. The edit of this restriction set is also visible and the edit of the Sun - Thu restriction is also visible.

My problem is the restriction in this example has Mon through Fri checked but Sun - Thu is displayed in the restriction set. This problem is for all the restrictions in the restriction set which have been defined as:

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 12:00 AM 8:00 AM Deny

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 5:00 PM 11:59 PM Deny

Sat, Sun 12:00 AM 11:59 PM Deny

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Grant

Now the really odd part is I check Monday, the Edit Restriction Set shows Sun and the Security editor grid shows Tue.

I don't know if there is a first day of week or similar somewhere but any help would be appreciated.


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It looks like it's a cosmetic bug... the labels are changing to reflect that you have Monday set as your first day of the week, but the grid colors are not properly respecting that setting.  If the restriction set says Monday thru Friday, then it's Monday - Friday regardless of what the picture looks like.

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