Thanks for confirming my suspicions. I suspect we will go down the inventing a surname path, but it's nice to know the other option is there.
However, we do give you the source code along with the RBS. As such, you could always change that requirement on your specific security system and recompile the security .dll. The property you would want to change is within the SFSUsersBO in the StrataFrame Security project. You would just need to uncheck Last Name from the RequiredFields collection, compile the source code in release mode, and use the resulting .DLLs instead of the vanilla security DLLs in your application.
The downside to this is that you will need to re-do this change whenever we release a new version of the RBS so that you can benefit from the new features. But for something this small, it isn't a massive inconvenience.
I've just started implementing RBS to our system and started by adding users (which in our system are activity based, not individual named user based). I immediately came up against the problem that I have a number of users that just have just a single name (ie a userid), and no sensible firstname and lastname. So how would I go about entering a user like Cher or Madonna?
Is the only option to invent a surname? A move to individual named users is entirely inappropriate for our system.
P.S. Cher and Madonna are extremely unlikely to be users of our system, but make far more interesting examples than Flesher, Sammyer and Splitter.