Custom message shows only once

Juan Carlos Pazos
Juan Carlos Pazos
StrataFrame User (228 reputation)StrataFrame User (228 reputation)StrataFrame User (228 reputation)StrataFrame User (228 reputation)StrataFrame User (228 reputation)StrataFrame User (228 reputation)StrataFrame User (228 reputation)StrataFrame User (228 reputation)StrataFrame User (228 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 144, Visits: 227

I begin to implement security in some forms in my proyect. As I have two languages I create two custom messages in the Message Editor, when a user clic to enter a Windows and if he does not have permission the message shows correctly, but only once; if he closes the message and try again the message not shows (the form not shows what it's fine).

I think that it's necesary the message shows more than once, but I don't know if is something I did wrong, the security framework is programmed in that way or it's a bug.

Wait for you answer.


Smile Everything is possible, just keep trying...
Dustin Taylor
Dustin Taylor
StrataFrame Team Member (632 reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 364, Visits: 771
Howdy Juan Smile

The security system should show a message every time, not just the first. Can you post the code are you using to check the security key and display the form?


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