Hello Juan
many thanks for your help, but I'm in fear, it is not as helpful as i wish it would be.
Please emphasize at my words above, first phrase:
I'm logged on as admin.
This is a Windows Vista issue related to the security features of the OS. Is not a SF problem.
I don't think so. StrataFrame should run on Vista as well as on XP. XP is outdated sooner or later...
The easiest way is run the Database Deployment Toolkit, the Role Based Security Editor as Administrator in Vista.
Sorry, I've got these problems while I'm logged on as admin.
These apps, creates and saves some values in the Registry, areas that Windows Vista don't let to write.
So I think, StrataFrame should use other, not restricted access keys of the registry.
Again run VS as administrator and all works.
Sorry, not for me. At least not on a new and clean install.
Usually I run VS as administrator and lunch from there the Localization app. and the Security editor, doing this I don't see any problems.
This kind of problem seems not to occur to everyone. I'm glad it works for you! 
I attach the MS document regarding the Vista UAC Requirements for Developers.
It is not opening on my machine because of many pictures, which "can not be converted"?
Beside that, I think Trent should read it, because it's his code not always and anywhere running on Vista. The more people will use StrataFrame on Vista, the more complains he will get. So I think it's up to him do do something, or even not...
For the code of the users of StrataFrame, he was offering an solution: http://forum.strataframe.net/Topic18446-21-1.aspx
However, we have added the ability to get around this error by forcing the registry to save over on the CURRENT_USER instead of the LOCAL_MACHINE. Just set this:
MicroFour.StrataFrame.Security.SecurityBasics.ForceCurrentUserOnRegistrySettings = True
A good place to set this would be in the AppMain.vb or program.cs file in either the InitApplication or SetDataSources methods.
I can't see why this would not work for the framework itself? A property we can tweak in case of problems, or let the framework generally use a "CURRENT_USER"-key which is not read only?
Thank you very much again, Juan! 
Best regards,