But in short, you will need to drop a BO on the form, select the BO for the BusinessObject, once this is done, there will b e adrop down populated with the fields that can be bound to the control. But before you can see any fields, you will have to map that BO within the BO Mapper.
I really want to help you, but I am having a hard to understanding your question. The table name would be whatever table to which you are mapping your business object (BO). The database would be is not specified at the textbox level, but is part of your connection that is established in the AppMain.vb or program.cs files. Each BO has a DataSourceKey which is then used to tie itself to the Database Connections setup in the SetDataSources method in your AppMain.vb or program.cs source files. Again, I think that if you would take a look at some of the samples that many of these questions would be answered for you.
I don't understand where and what you are referring to. Can you please give me steps, details, etc. I really want to help but I am totally lost as to what you are trying to do...sorry
Would this do it? Sorry for the C# if you are a VB guy...