I don't know if this problem is theme related but take a look at the three attached screenshots.
CheckBox1 shows four checkboxes in the forms designer. All are aligned perfectly and the captions show correctly.
CheckBox2 shows the form running with the checkbox AutoSize property set to false. Three of the checkboxes lose the last character of the caption and there is a noticeable gap between the 'E' and 'd' in 'Editable' in the last caption.
CheckBox3 shows the form running with the checkbox AutoSize property set to true. All captions show correctly and the gap between the 'E' and 'd' has disappeared. However, the position of the boxes have been pushed to the right to break the alignment.
If AutoSize is set to true, the box is on the right and the control needs to make an adjustment, could any change in the size be reflected with a change in the left start position to keep the box in the same position on the right? That way the boxes would remain in alignment.