This one should be fairly straight-forward
Also, in VFP I know that I can call up the inheritance hierarchy by using DODEFAULT(). What is the equivalent was to do this in C#?
You will want to do this when overriding an On method so that you can control whether your code is executed before or after other event handlers.
Do I have to subclass the item? Can't I just put this code in the form instance?
I may not be entirley sure of what you are trying to accomplish, but in regards to inheritance and calling a base member, this is how encapsulation and .NET are they should be. VFP was really bad about enforcing encapsulation...we like to refer to VFP as "decapsulated" When we go back and look at old code we always laugh at what we had being "pure and clean"
If I understand you correctly, this would be a consequence of the fact that .NET does not implement a strong containership model. Or am I on Mars ?