Yes, the mapping of the DataColumns to the stored procedure parameters is handled automatically.
For concurrency, the auto-generated stored procedures do not handle concurrency in any way, shape, or form. In the Application Framework, if you set the concurrency to optimistic on a business object, it will not use stored procedures for updates, but rather, will dynamically build an update command that uses either "all fields" or a "timestamp column" for the concurrency. You could, of course also use transactions to implement pessimistic concurrency, but very few ever want to do that
On the @@IDENTITY vs SCOPE_IDENTITY(), we have considered using SCOPE_IDENTITY(), but @@IDENTITY will return the proper value unless you are inserting on multiple tables on the same connection. We have not, however, considered inserting new records on a trigger; we will consider this and most likely change to SCOPE_IDENTITY(). Thanks for the heads up.