How do I use CopyDataFrom to remove duplicates from BO populated by Browse Dialog?

How do I use CopyDataFrom to remove duplicates from BO populated by...
Marcia G Akins
Marcia G Akins
StrataFrame User (492 reputation)StrataFrame User (492 reputation)StrataFrame User (492 reputation)StrataFrame User (492 reputation)StrataFrame User (492 reputation)StrataFrame User (492 reputation)StrataFrame User (492 reputation)StrataFrame User (492 reputation)StrataFrame User (492 reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 322, Visits: 529
Hi All.

I created a view that is a three table join so that I can use this view to populate my BO using the BrowseDialog. The problem is that this may result in multiple records in the BO that gets populated. I do not want the "real" BO being handled in my form to contain these mutliple records. So how can I use CopyDataFrom to ensure that I get only the DISTINCT records for my "real" BO?




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Marcia G Akins - 16 Years Ago
Ivan George Borges - 16 Years Ago
Marcia G Akins - 16 Years Ago
Paul Chase - 16 Years Ago
Marcia G Akins - 16 Years Ago
Paul Chase - 16 Years Ago
Marcia G Akins - 16 Years Ago
                         Hi Paul. I just wanted to thank you so much for your great advice....
Marcia G Akins - 16 Years Ago
                             Marcia I'm glad I was able to help!! ;) Paul
Paul Chase - 16 Years Ago
                                 Yep, that was a lot eaiser! :w00t:
Ivan George Borges - 16 Years Ago
                                     Good answer, Paul. :)
Trent L. Taylor - 16 Years Ago

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