Database name (local/remote)

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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Well, if you want to implement .NET, code, then I suggest creating a CLR stored procedure.  This is what the CLR stored procedures are designed for and can make doing certain things much easier versus doing it all in T-SQL code.
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Hmmm... the reason to use .NET code in my case is not to execute something at SQL Server. Instead, during DDT deployment process. In order words, I would like to have custom logic during deployment database.

Any ideas?

Thank you
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
StrataFrame Developer (9.8K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (9.8K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (9.8K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (9.8K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (9.8K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (9.8K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (9.8K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (9.8K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (9.8K reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Developers
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Well, at this point there is not anything like that from directly within the DDT.  That is why this thread was filled with some good ideas to use DDT variables (which don't presently exist) so that you can manipulate this at the time of deployment and add your own logic.  There are a lot of good ideas here.  However, at the moment, you could still create a CLR sproc that is deployed using the standard DDT logic and then executed as a post deployment script.  You could then use that CLR sproc to update any other elements that need updating.
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Posts: 533, Visits: 2K
Trent L. Taylor (01/22/2009)
Yeah, that is not a bad idea on the dummy database. When you pick the database to execute in the Pre/Post script, it will execute on the renamed database. So if the remote database name was Chan and they entered Chan_New, then it would execute that script on Chan_New.

All of this is giving me an idea for an enhancement which would be the introduction of profile variables that you could place within your sproc code and then those variables would be replaced at the time of deployment with the value you give it. This is actually a really good idea and would be a good application for this very thing. The bad part is that it isn't there yet Sad since the idea just came to me. But I will add this to the list and this is something that will most likely make it into the DDT. Good idea, Chan.


Just would like to add-on, this enhancement should not only add to pre/post profile script. Instead, it would be great if this logic can be apply to stored proc/view/trigger/udf and etc as well.

Thank you

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