Database name (local/remote)

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 533, Visits: 2K

I have questions as below:

1. How could I allow user to decide database name during DDT deployment?

2. I have some view that join tables from local and remote database. The remote database name could be vary among customer even though it is has the same structure. How could I tell DDT at runtime so that it will "change" my view defination to map to the remote database?

Please advice.

Thank you

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Chan - 16 Years Ago
Trent L. Taylor - 16 Years Ago
Chan - 16 Years Ago
Trent L. Taylor - 16 Years Ago
Chan - 15 Years Ago
                         That could be more difficult. I would probably create a view that is...
Trent L. Taylor - 15 Years Ago
Is it possible to access DatabaseMigrator property within...
Chan - 15 Years Ago
                                 Yeah, that is not a bad idea on the dummy database. When you pick the...
Trent L. Taylor - 15 Years Ago
I would like to add-on is that, I found that profile script...
Chan - 15 Years Ago
                                         Well, if you want to implement .NET, code, then I suggest creating a...
Trent L. Taylor - 15 Years Ago
Hmmm... the reason to use .NET code in my case is not to...
Chan - 15 Years Ago
                                                 Well, at this point there is not anything like that from directly...
Trent L. Taylor - 15 Years Ago
                                     [quote][b]Trent L. Taylor (01/22/2009)[/b][hr]Yeah, that is not a bad...
Chan - 15 Years Ago
Keith Chisarik - 16 Years Ago

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