2 issues with the browse-dialog

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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This is most likely not going to hapen within this release, Philipp as it doesn't fall in line with the current design.  This is why we added the ReturnSeelctedRowOnly property to accomodate such needs.  Greg's commentary is good, but in any case, I hope this at least gives you an answer so you can move forward.  It was a good idea, but at the moment it is most likley not going to make it into the build.  We will keep it on the table for a later date.
Philipp Guntermann
Philipp Guntermann
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Ok. Thanks.

Have you had a look on the missing localization ?

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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Not yet.
StrataFrame User (144 reputation)StrataFrame User (144 reputation)StrataFrame User (144 reputation)StrataFrame User (144 reputation)StrataFrame User (144 reputation)StrataFrame User (144 reputation)StrataFrame User (144 reputation)StrataFrame User (144 reputation)StrataFrame User (144 reputation)
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Hi Trent,

I am having the same difficulty for localizing the waitwindow.

The last message seems to be on 2009,

Could you please tell me if this is fixed with the new update and how can I localize it?
Ivan George Borges
Ivan George Borges
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Hi Hector.

This hasn't made into the framework yet, but it certainly will.

For the time being, if you would like it to be localized, you could make a small change in the framework, as I have done.

First I created localization keys into my Message & Localization Project.  Then I added code into the BrowseDialogWindow's SetFormTextValues method, as follows:

        ''' <summary>
        ''' Sets all of the forms text values (allows for localized values to be used)
        ''' </summary>
        Private Sub SetFormTextValues()
            '-- Establish Locals
            Dim loCVT As New KeysConverter

            With _BrowseDialog
                Me.lblStatus.Text = String.Format(.EnterSearchCriteraStatusText, "[" & loCVT.ConvertToString(.SearchKey) & "]")
                Me.tsiSearch.Text = .SearchText
                Me.tsiClear.Text = .ClearText
                Me.cmdHideResults.Text = .HideResultsText
                Me.cmdSearchFields.Text = .SearchFieldsText
                Me.tscSearchFields.grpContent.Title = .SearchCriteriaText
                Me.chkAdvanced.Text = .AdvancedOptionsText
                Me.cmdOK.Text = .OKText
                Me.cmdCancel.Text = .CancelText
            End With

            '-- IGB - added on 2011/04/08 - START
            '-- localize missing text key
                MyWaitwindow.Title = MicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.Localization.RetrieveTextValue("PFNT_MSG - BrowseDialogSearchingTitle")
                MyWaitwindow.Message = MicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.Localization.RetrieveTextValue("PFNT_MSG - BrowseDialogSearchingMessage")
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
            '-- IGB - added on 2011/04/08 - END
        End Sub

Hope it helps. Wink

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