valueMember vs DisplayMember

Atk8877 T
Atk8877 T
StrataFrame Beginner (3 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (3 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (3 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (3 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (3 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (3 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (3 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (3 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (3 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1, Visits: 3
hello everyone ..

well i have a form contains DataGridView and one of its components is a ComboBox , the problem is i wana save the ValueMember instead of the DisplayMember in the database .

BS: i am using sql 2005 and 2005

here the sample .
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Developers
Posts: 6.6K, Visits: 6.9K
You will need to set the BindingProperty on the combo to determine which value you are going to bind your data source to. I am willing to bet that is your issue.
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (14K reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Developers
Posts: 6.6K, Visits: 6.9K
Just FYI, I was having issues downloading your sample. Just add it out here as an attachment instead of going through a file sharing site. Thanks.

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