Trigger Deployment tr_Schema column not found

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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The only way that I could see this happening is if there was an older StrataFrame.PKG file and/or assembly that was run against the SF database.  This is the ONLY way I see this happening.  I have checked the distribution several times and it is working.

If you install to a fresh database (new SF installation), does the column get created?

Greg McGuffey
Greg McGuffey
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Did you check other places for errant DLLs? And just to check, you did update the StrataFrame db when doing the upgrade right?
Greg McGuffey
Greg McGuffey
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I'm check into this.
Keith Chisarik
Keith Chisarik
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PS - adding the field manually worked fine as it has in the past, but if this has been fixed I would like to know why I ran across it.

Keith Chisarik
Keith Chisarik
Keith Chisarik
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I am running and just came across this issue, again. Have verified that all assemblies in the GAC are correct. Please advise.

Keith Chisarik
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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What version did you try? You may want to make sure that you do not have older SF assemblies in the GAC as this issue has been resolved and is working.
Rogerio Mauri
Rogerio Mauri
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Problem continues in the last version.

Rogério Mauri Smile

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Thanks for answer Smile Yes.. I post it before. just don't found it later Smile) I thought post was deleted
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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We saw this come up at several locations on the 1.6.7 build. However, through testing, we already know that the 1.7 build coming out will resolve the error. Until then, just add the tr_Schema field back to the DBETriggers table manually as an NVARCHAR(20) column. You had already posted your issue here:

Just FYI, there is no reason to cross post. One place is good enough as we get notifications regardless of post location. Smile Thanks.

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I have a problem with Trigger Deployment. I'v got an error message Column tr?Schema not found in table DBETriggers. I had check this table. column is not there.

I check support messages before and Uninstall StrataFrame and Install it again. It does not help.. the error message in any case appears.

StrataFrameBug.JPG (258 views, 44.00 KB)

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