Transaction Commit problem

StrataFrame User (147 reputation)StrataFrame User (147 reputation)StrataFrame User (147 reputation)StrataFrame User (147 reputation)StrataFrame User (147 reputation)StrataFrame User (147 reputation)StrataFrame User (147 reputation)StrataFrame User (147 reputation)StrataFrame User (147 reputation)
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I deploy to customer my application. On my developer machine all works fine.. and as always on customer side all goes wrong Smile

The code is simple as on example


BusinessLayer.TransactionBegin("PENSOLUTIONOFFICE", lcTransactionKey, Data.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted)


lSaveResult = loPSOFormStoreBO.Save(True, lcTransactionKey)

If lSaveResult = MicroFour.StrataFrame.Data.SaveUndoResult.Success Then

BusinessLayer.TransactionCommit("PENSOLUTIONOFFICE", lcTransactionKey)

lcErrorMessage = "SUCCESS"


Throw New Exception("An error happen during save data!")

End If

Catch ex As Exception

lcErrorMessage = ex.Message

BusinessLayer.TransactionRollback("PENSOLUTIONOFFICE", lcTransactionKey)

End Try

On customer machine BusinessLayer.TransactionCommit call an exception (free translation from german) Transaction is finised and can't be used anymore.. something like that...

The question is WHEN transaction is finished? Smile and why on my developer machine all works fine and there an exception happens.

Everywhere installed SQL Server 2008.

Any ideas


Edhy Rijo
StrataFrame VIP (4.7K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (4.7K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (4.7K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (4.7K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (4.7K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (4.7K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (4.7K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (4.7K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (4.7K reputation)
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Hi Denis,

I don't see anything wrong with your code. Tongue

Make sure the customer have the correct SF assemblies you have in your developer computer. w00t

Edhy Rijo

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I have on developer machine in GAC a little bit more registered dlls but I thinking its not a problem

On my developer machine I have

MicroFour StrataFrame AddIns

MicroFour StrataFrame Base

MicroFour StrataFrame Business

MicroFour StrataFrame DBEngine

MicroFour StrataFrame Enterprise

MicroFour StrataFrame Enterprise Client

MicroFour StrataFrame Extensibility

MicroFour StrataFrame Infragistics Wrapper

MicroFour StrataFrame Inherited UI

MicroFour StrataFrame Security

MicroFour StrataFrame UI

All assemblies version and all dlls version

On customer machine in GAC

MicroFour StrataFrame Base

MicroFour StrataFrame Business

MicroFour StrataFrame DBEngine

MicroFour StrataFrame Enterprise

MicroFour StrataFrame Enterprise Client

MicroFour StrataFrame Security

MicroFour StrataFrame UI

All assemblies version and all Dlls version

Seems a same ...
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Is it possible to have something diffrent in SQL Server environment for transaction support.. I am not a big expert in SQL Server.. so.. as idea...
Edhy Rijo
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Are the tables structure at the customer site, the same as yours?

Edhy Rijo

Edhy Rijo
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Also before the save, use code like this one to debug the data that is being send to the server:

MicroFour.StrataFrame.Data.DataBasics.DataSources("").SetDebugOn("c:\DebugFile.html", True)

Edhy Rijo

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Thanks for response

yes.. database is a same.. I copy MDF file and attach it on customer side

Save is not a problem.. it works..

the debug file:

Command #:    1

Timestamp:    2009-07-22 21:37:35.93

General Command Settings

Command Type:    Text

Object Type:    System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand

Connection String:    Data Source=DIGIPENDEV2;Initial Catalog=AnotoOffice;User ID=anoto;

Transaction:    True

Command Settings

CommandText:    UPDATE [dbo].[PSOFormstore] SET [mandator_id] = @mandator_id, [filename] = @filename, [formsetid] = @formsetid, [active] = @active, [validForm] = @validForm, [validto] = @validto, [offsetx] = @offsetx, [offsety] = @offsety, [patternscalex] = @patternscalex, [patternscaley] = @patternscaley, [mergeOpenValue] = @mergeOpenValue, [mergeOpenUnit] = @mergeOpenUnit, [comment] = @comment, [pivotx] = @pivotx, [pivoty] = @pivoty, [rotate] = @rotate, [fs_us_pk] = @fs_us_pk, [xformxml] = @xformxml, [papersize] = @papersize, [frompage] = @frompage, [topage] = @topage WHERE [id] = @id AND (([timestamp] = @timestamp) OR (@timestamp IS NULL)); SELECT [timestamp] FROM [dbo].[PSOFormstore] WHERE [id] = @id;

Command Parameters

@mandator_id:    '0' [DbType: Int32 | Size: 0 | Direction: Input | SourceColumn: mandator_id | SourceVersion: Current]

@filename:    'Hartl_Besprechungsformular_Seite1.xform' [DbType: AnsiString | Size: 66 | Direction: Input | SourceColumn: filename | SourceVersion: Current]

@formsetid:    'Hartl_Besprechungsformular' [DbType: AnsiString | Size: 66 | Direction: Input | SourceColumn: formsetid | SourceVersion: Current]

@active:    '255' [DbType: Byte | Size: 1 | Direction: Input | SourceColumn: active | SourceVersion: Current]

@validForm:    '01.06.2009 00:00:00' [DbType: DateTime | Size: 0 | Direction: Input | SourceColumn: validForm | SourceVersion: Current]

@validto:    '11.06.2009 00:00:00' [DbType: DateTime | Size: 0 | Direction: Input | SourceColumn: validto | SourceVersion: Current]

@offsetx:    '0' [DbType: Int32 | Size: 0 | Direction: Input | SourceColumn: offsetx | SourceVersion: Current]

@offsety:    '0' [DbType: Int32 | Size: 0 | Direction: Input | SourceColumn: offsety | SourceVersion: Current]

@patternscalex:    '1' [DbType: Double | Size: 0 | Direction: Input | SourceColumn: patternscalex | SourceVersion: Current]

@patternscaley:    '1' [DbType: Double | Size: 0 | Direction: Input | SourceColumn: patternscaley | SourceVersion: Current]

@mergeOpenValue:    '0' [DbType: Int16 | Size: 0 | Direction: Input | SourceColumn: mergeOpenValue | SourceVersion: Current]

@mergeOpenUnit:    '' [DbType: AnsiString | Size: 11 | Direction: Input | SourceColumn: mergeOpenUnit | SourceVersion: Current]

@comment:    '' [DbType: AnsiString | Size: 257 | Direction: Input | SourceColumn: comment | SourceVersion: Current]

@pivotx:    '0' [DbType: Double | Size: 0 | Direction: Input | SourceColumn: pivotx | SourceVersion: Current]

@pivoty:    '0' [DbType: Double | Size: 0 | Direction: Input | SourceColumn: pivoty | SourceVersion: Current]

@rotate:    '0' [DbType: Int32 | Size: 0 | Direction: Input | SourceColumn: rotate | SourceVersion: Current]

@fs_us_pk:    '11' [DbType: Int32 | Size: 0 | Direction: Input | SourceColumn: fs_us_pk | SourceVersion: Current]

@xformxml:    '' [DbType: AnsiString | Size: -1 | Direction: Input | SourceColumn: xformxml | SourceVersion: Current]

@papersize:    'A5' [DbType: AnsiString | Size: 13 | Direction: Input | SourceColumn: papersize | SourceVersion: Current]

@frompage:    '1' [DbType: Byte | Size: 1 | Direction: Input | SourceColumn: frompage | SourceVersion: Current]

@topage:    '1' [DbType: Byte | Size: 1 | Direction: Input | SourceColumn: topage | SourceVersion: Current]

@id:    '2' [DbType: Int32 | Size: 0 | Direction: Input | SourceColumn: id | SourceVersion: Original]

@timestamp:    'System.Byte[]' [DbType: Binary | Size: 8 | Direction: Input | SourceColumn: timestamp | SourceVersion: Current]
Edhy Rijo
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What is this function doing: mmks_updatePSOForm(loPSOFormStoreBO)

Edhy Rijo

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Also.. one comment.. If I remove transaction.. code does not call any error. and data saves.. Unsure
StrataFrame User (147 reputation)StrataFrame User (147 reputation)StrataFrame User (147 reputation)StrataFrame User (147 reputation)StrataFrame User (147 reputation)StrataFrame User (147 reputation)StrataFrame User (147 reputation)StrataFrame User (147 reputation)StrataFrame User (147 reputation)
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Its just to set values for BO properties

Private Sub mmks_updatePSOForm(ByVal toBO As PSOFormStoreBO)

Dim lcXformXML As String = ""

If Me.FileUploadXForm.HasFile() = True Then

Dim loStreadReader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(Me.FileUploadXForm.PostedFile.InputStream)

lcXformXML = loStreadReader.ReadToEnd()

End If

toBO.filename = Me.PSOForm_filename.Text

toBO.formsetid = Me.PSOForm_formsetid.Text

toBO.validForm = Me.PSOForm_validFrom.Value

toBO.validto = Me.PSOForm_validTo.Value

toBO.papersize = Me.PSOForm_Papersize.Value

toBO.topage = Me.PSOForm_topage.Value

toBO.frompage = Me.PSOForm_fromPage.Value

toBO.comment = Me.PSOForm_HtmlEditor1.Text

If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(lcXformXML) Then

toBO.xformxml = lcXformXML

End If

End Sub

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