Group: StrataFrame Users
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This is complete method code In my case llNewUser = .F. and pmks_form_id has correct integer value _
Public Function mmks_save() As String
Dim lcErrorMessage As String = "SUCCESS"
Dim llNewUser As Boolean = pmks_form_Id < 0
Dim lSaveResult As MicroFour.StrataFrame.Data.SaveUndoResult
Dim lcUploadErrorMessage As String = ""
Dim loPSOFormStoreBO As PSOFormStoreBO = New PSOFormStoreBO()
If llNewUser Then
End If
If Me.FileUploadPng.HasFile() = True Then
Dim lcFormName As String = Me.PSOForm_filename.Text
Dim lcFormStem As String = ""
If lcFormName.IndexOf(".") > 0 Then
Dim lcFormStems As String() = lcFormName.Split(".")
lcFormStem = lcFormStems(0)
lcFormStem = lcFormName
End If
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(lcFormStem) Then
Dim rootpath As String = Server.MapPath("~/")
Dim lcMandatorPath As String = rootpath + Session("session_mandator_name") + "\"
Dim loDirectoryInfo As DirectoryInfo = New DirectoryInfo(lcMandatorPath)
If Not loDirectoryInfo.Exists() Then
End If
Dim lcFormPath As String = lcMandatorPath + lcFormStem + "\"
loDirectoryInfo = New DirectoryInfo(lcFormPath)
If Not loDirectoryInfo.Exists() Then
End If
Me.FileUploadPng.PostedFile.SaveAs(lcFormPath + Path.GetFileName(Me.FileUploadPng.FileName))
Catch ex As Exception
lcUploadErrorMessage = ex.Message
End Try
End If
End If
BusinessLayer.TransactionBegin("PENSOLUTIONOFFICE", "PENSOLUTIONOFFICE", Data.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted)
lSaveResult = loPSOFormStoreBO.Save(True, "PENSOLUTIONOFFICE")
If lSaveResult = MicroFour.StrataFrame.Data.SaveUndoResult.Success Then
lcErrorMessage = "SUCCESS"
Throw New Exception("An error happen during save data!")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
lcErrorMessage = ex.Message
End Try
Return (lcErrorMessage)
End Function
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 93,
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Sorry.. I copy wrong code )))
Public Function mmks_save() As String
Dim lcErrorMessage As String = "SUCCESS"
Dim lcTransactionKey As String = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
Dim llNewUser As Boolean = pmks_form_Id < 0
Dim lSaveResult As MicroFour.StrataFrame.Data.SaveUndoResult
Dim lcUploadErrorMessage As String = ""
Dim loPSOFormStoreBO As PSOFormStoreBO = New PSOFormStoreBO()
If llNewUser Then
End If
If Me.FileUploadPng.HasFile() = True Then
Dim lcFormName As String = Me.PSOForm_filename.Text
Dim lcFormStem As String = ""
If lcFormName.IndexOf(".") > 0 Then
Dim lcFormStems As String() = lcFormName.Split(".")
lcFormStem = lcFormStems(0)
lcFormStem = lcFormName
End If
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(lcFormStem) Then
Dim rootpath As String = Server.MapPath("~/")
Dim lcMandatorPath As String = rootpath + Session("session_mandator_name") + "\"
Dim loDirectoryInfo As DirectoryInfo = New DirectoryInfo(lcMandatorPath)
If Not loDirectoryInfo.Exists() Then
End If
Dim lcFormPath As String = lcMandatorPath + lcFormStem + "\"
loDirectoryInfo = New DirectoryInfo(lcFormPath)
If Not loDirectoryInfo.Exists() Then
End If
Me.FileUploadPng.PostedFile.SaveAs(lcFormPath + Path.GetFileName(Me.FileUploadPng.FileName))
Catch ex As Exception
lcUploadErrorMessage = ex.Message
End Try
End If
End If
BusinessLayer.TransactionBegin("PENSOLUTIONOFFICE", lcTransactionKey, Data.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted)
MicroFour.StrataFrame.Data.DataBasics.DataSources("PENSOLUTIONOFFICE").SetDebugOn("c:\DebugFile.html", True)
lSaveResult = loPSOFormStoreBO.Save(True, lcTransactionKey)
If lSaveResult = MicroFour.StrataFrame.Data.SaveUndoResult.Success Then
BusinessLayer.TransactionCommit("PENSOLUTIONOFFICE", lcTransactionKey)
lcErrorMessage = "SUCCESS"
Throw New Exception("An error happen during save data!")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
lcErrorMessage = ex.Message
BusinessLayer.TransactionRollback("PENSOLUTIONOFFICE", lcTransactionKey)
End Try
Return (lcErrorMessage)
Edhy Rijo
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 2.4K,
Visits: 23K
I really don't see anything wrong, so at this point is just to try and error unless Trent or somebody else have another suggestion. Try moving the code mmks_updatePSOForm(loPSOFormStoreBO) before the TransactionBegin...
BusinessLayer.TransactionBegin("PENSOLUTIONOFFICE", lcTransactionKey, Data.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted)
Edhy Rijo
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 93,
Visits: 236
Now I get closer to my problem..
Please look...
BusinessLayer.TransactionBegin("PENSOLUTIONOFFICE", lcTransactionKey, Data.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted)
''' ************************************************************************************
''' IF I UPDATE ONE or ANY PROPERTIES OF BO - then SAVE() works perfect but TransactionCommit - FAIL
'' IF I DO NOT UPDATE ANY PROPERTIES OF BO - then TransactionCommit SUCCESS!!!!!
''' *************************************************************************************
MicroFour.StrataFrame.Data.DataBasics.DataSources("PENSOLUTIONOFFICE").SetDebugOn("c:\DebugFile.html", True)
lSaveResult = loPSOFormStoreBO.Save(True, lcTransactionKey)
If lSaveResult = MicroFour.StrataFrame.Data.SaveUndoResult.Success Then
BusinessLayer.TransactionCommit("PENSOLUTIONOFFICE", lcTransactionKey)
lcErrorMessage = "SUCCESS"
Throw New Exception("An error happen during save data!")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
lcErrorMessage = ex.Message
BusinessLayer.TransactionRollback("PENSOLUTIONOFFICE", lcTransactionKey)
End Try
The diffrence between developer machine and customer machine where I currently debug it with Visual Studio..
on development machine I have included PenSolutionOfficeBO as Project.. but
on customer machine - its only DLL which located in BIN folder.
So.. any ideas now?
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 93,
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Please look my last comment.. I thinking I localize the problem untill one line of code
Edhy Rijo
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 2.4K,
Visits: 23K
Good, so the problem is here:
Private Sub mmks_updatePSOForm(ByVal toBO As PSOFormStoreBO)
Dim lcXformXML As String = ""
If Me.FileUploadXForm.HasFile() = True Then
Dim loStreadReader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(Me.FileUploadXForm.PostedFile.InputStream)
lcXformXML = loStreadReader.ReadToEnd()
End If
toBO.filename = Me.PSOForm_filename.Text
toBO.formsetid = Me.PSOForm_formsetid.Text
toBO.validForm = Me.PSOForm_validFrom.Value
toBO.validto = Me.PSOForm_validTo.Value
toBO.papersize = Me.PSOForm_Papersize.Value
toBO.topage = Me.PSOForm_topage.Value
toBO.frompage = Me.PSOForm_fromPage.Value
toBO.comment = Me.PSOForm_HtmlEditor1.Text
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(lcXformXML) Then
toBO.xformxml = lcXformXML
End If
End Sub
As I understand it you are sending your BO as toBO to update some properties. Did you try calling mmks_updatePSOForm() before TransactionBeign...?
Edhy Rijo
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 93,
Visits: 236
Even if I leave only one line for update
toBO.filename = Me.PSOForm_filename.Text
TransactionCommit fail in any case..
Yes. I change order of lines and try update befor TransactionBegin.. it does not help...
For this business object I use RowVersionOrTimestampColumn - timestamp
UpdateConcurrencyType - OptimisticTimestamp
Edhy Rijo
Group: StrataFrame Users
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This quote is from the "Using Transactional Processing" topic in the SF help file: Transaction processing is often used to implement pessimistic concurrency. Database tables participating in the transaction can be locked, depending on the IsolationLevel used when the transaction was started. This prevents client applications other than the transaction owner from modifying the tables while the transaction is processing. Since you are using ReadCommitted Isolation Level and then modifying the BO properties, then the transaction triggers an error. I believe you have two options here: 1-Move mmks_updatePSOForm() before TransactionBeign 2-Change the Isolation Level to ReadUncommitted Also check this KB: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173763.aspxTry boths and let me know.
Edhy Rijo
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 93,
Visits: 236
I made so mmks_updatePSOForm(loPSOFormStoreBO) BusinessLayer.TransactionBegin("PENSOLUTIONOFFICE", lcTransactionKey, Data.IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted) and have no success.. same error.. about transaction end and can't be used.. I give up for today.. now is 01:19 am in Moscow Maybe morning bring something Thanks for your help! See ya! Denis
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 93,
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This is error message details..
Transaction still does not work. I had restart a SQL Server.
What is ZombieCheck is?