I've got an article on how to use reflection to read values of screen objects, and how to set their Text (or other) property, at http://lespinter.com/FoxToNet/ShowArticle.aspx?ArtNum=405. See if the technique described there will do what you need.
I would like to fill them with some numeric data found in an array ngopercents().
I have tried to follow some samples found in the forum but if I use the Ctype below it tells me I am missing an object and if I use the last several examples using an object the object in the line below ends up to be nothing and of course produces and error. What am I doing wrong in this code or how do I get the correct object?
loObj = Me.TabControl1.TabPages(1).Controls("lbl" & i.ToString + "go")
i = j + 1
' CType(Me.Controls("lbl" & i.ToString + "go"), Label).Text = ngopercents(j).ToString + "%"
loObj =