I have a problem with CopyDataFrom. I have some DataSet and DataTable filled with data. Then I want to export this data through BusinessObject to SQL Server. I have correct data in the BO.CurrentDataTable, but after Save() I have no data on SQLServer. Save operation returns success. I have a next codeDim loBBDS As BestbuyImportDataSet = CType(toDS, BestbuyImportDataSet)If loBBDS.vbestbuy.Count > 0 ThenDim loVBestbuyBO As MKS.GoliathNet.BusinessObjects.ErpBestbuy.vbestbuyBO = New vbestbuyBOloVBestbuyBO.mmks_deletemanufacturerartikels(_pmks_businessObject.driver_manufacturer_pk_id)
So step by step.loBBDS.vbestbuy.count has 6000 recordsAfter CopyDataFrom - businessObject CurrentDataTable has also 6000 recordsIsDirty - FALSE!!!Save() is Success! And NO DATA ON SQL SERVER!
Any help!Thanks!