StrataFrame Beta Released

Dustin Taylor
Dustin Taylor
StrataFrame Team Member (938 reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 364, Visits: 771
The beta build of the StrataFrame has been released and is available for download in the My Account area under the "Application Framework - Beta" category.


  1. Database Deployment Toolkit syntax editor regions vastly improved

    A vast improvement has been implemented within the Database Deployment Toolkit for any area that supports T-SQL syntax.  These areas now fully support modified indicators, copy, paste, undo, advanced syntax coloring for complex queries, etc.

  2. StrataFrame now integrates with Visual Studio 2010

    StrataFrame now supports the Visual Studio 2010 environment and integrates into the VS 2010 IDE.

  3. StrataListView now supports embedded radio buttons on a per column basis

    The StrataListView now supports a radio button as an embedded control.  The radio buttons operate on a per column basis allowing radio buttons to be added in any column and operate under the same manner.

  4. StrataListView now has a row selection opacity property allowing invisible selections

    There are times that a list may be used to display purposes and a scroll and embedded control interaction may be necessary, but the selected row needs to be hidden.  In this case, the RowSelectionOpacity property can be set to 0 making the row selections invisible.  Also, you can set this opacity to any value between 0 and 255 (0 - fully transparent, 255 - fully opaque).  This allows the row selections to be less harsh or toned down when necessary.

  5. StrataFrame ListView now supports cell level backcolors

    Each cell of a StrataFrame ListView has a BackgroundColor property allowing the background color to be overwritten for that individual cell. This functionality is shown in the attached sample app.

  6. StrataFrame ListView now has an AdditionalItemHeight property

    A property has been added at the ListItem (not sub item) level of a StrataFrame ListView allowing any individual row to have additional height added.  This can come in very handy when showing a value that may have multiple rows (i.e. an address).  This adds the specified number of pixels to the ItemHeight of the row.  This can also be used in situations where a larger font and text may need to be used to exagerate a row.  This functionality is shown in the attached sample app.

  7. BeforeSearchExecuted event added to BrowseDialog

    A BeforeSearchExecuted has been introduced that gets fired after the Searching event but before the actual query takes place.  This event exposes the QueryInformation class that is already built and populated ready to be passed into the BO and back to the DAL which will be interpretted and converted into the query and result set.  By exposing this QueryInformation class, the developer can now manipulate the result set, fields, where, etc.  This does come with a caution, however, as exposing this class does give full control to the developer allowing the introduction of exceptions or unexpected behavior.

  8. Child Form constructor parameters exposed in the OnBeforeChildFormExecuted event of a ListView

    A new event argument parameter in the OnBeforeChildFormExecuted event called ChildFormParameters.  By adding parms to this collection they will be passed on to the calling of the ChildFormDialog like this: ChildForm.ShowDialog(ChildFormParameters.ToArray()).  This gives the developer the ultimate control in automation of a child form call through a ListView.  This functionality is shown in the attached sample app.

  9. A new tools class has been introduced called HttpBasics

    A new tools class has been introduced called HttpBasics which aides, as the name implies, in common Http tasks.  This class will grow vastly over time as more and more goodies are added.  But to begin, there is a new method called IsConnectedToInternet that returns a value indicating whether an internet connection is available or not.  This method piggy backs the operating system versus performing DNS lookups or pings resulting in an extremely fast response whether a connection exists or not.


  1. StrataFrame installation will no longer search for SQL server automatically

    The automatic SQL Server search that occurs during the StrataFrame installation threw an error in some environments preventing the installation from completing.  This is an issue with the underlying SQL detect script in our installation tool.  We are awaiting a resolution to that issue from the tool's vendor but, until then, we have disabled the automatic SQL search to prevent the error from occuring. The SQL server and instance name may still be entered manually.

  2. Corrected issue in DDT where filegroups couldn't be created using the standard $DbName$ wildcard for two databses in the same profile

    This was due to the business object not accounting for wildcards when checking on duplicate physical file names. This has been changed to no longer enforce that they be unique for the entire profile. However, it will still require that two physical file names containing wildcards are not identicle within the same database.
  3. Partial class setter method now respects FieldChanging event when also nullable

    When a field is customized to include both a FieldChanging event as well as designated as a Return / Set Nullable value, the setter method was using the value returned on a null as a testing variable instead of using the e.FieldValue which was set and captured through the FieldChanging event.  This issue has now been resolved.  Just rebuild the partial class and this will resolve itself.

  4. Corrected issue where NullReferenceException could occur when BOTranslations were used through a child control

    In situations where BOTranslations were used on a child object supporting this logic (i.e. an SF user control), an error could occur as the bound controls reference may not be set.  This resided in the BusinessLayer in the RefreshBoundControls method and reported via the forum on the following post.  This issue has been resolved.

  5. Database Deployment Toolkit now respected column level descriptions on import

    When importing existing SQL Server structures into the DDT as a profile, any description supplied for each column will be now imported versus saying, "This column was imported."  If a description does not exist on the column of the SQL table, then the default text will still be used.

  6. DataBasics.ConvertTypeToDbType now returns a value

    When calling the ConverTypeToDbType method on the DataBasics class, a value of AnsiString would always be returned as an actual value was not being returned.  This issue has been resolved.

  7. StrataCollapsableContainer now fully supports theme changes

    Depending upon instantiation order, the StrataCollapsableContainer did not fully support the current theme or update itself when the theme was changed.  This issue has been resolved.

  8. StrataCollapsableContainer now respects controls in the notification area when collapsed

    If the notification area of the StrataCollapsableContainer was shown and controls happened to occupy the same area when the control was collapsed, the controls were visible in the notification area.  This issue has been resolved.

  9. DevExpress web grid "The given key was not present in the dictionary" issue resolved

    Ultimately this was an ironic twist of fate that seemed to only affect the DevExpress web grid.  During all of the memory management changes that were made, one was for grids bound to BusinessBindingSources.  Specifically a WinForms DevExpress grid as it would not properly dispose of a bound enumerator class.  So if you were using a DevExpress grid with an SF BBS, you could have a large memory leak over time.  The ironic part is that DevExpress did not use the same logic on their web grid counterpart.  So what cleaned up a memory leak on the WinForms side broke the web grid for the same 3rd party controls.  Since this was isolated to WinForms versus WebForms, the fix was clean and simple once isolated.  This issue has now been resolved.

  10. Resolved issue where a string primary key with a single quote caused an error when GetIndexOfPrimaryKey was called on BusinessLayer

    This was an isolated error, however, in the circumstance that a string primary key was being used and a single quote existed as part of that primary key, the GetIndexOfPrimaryKey method in the BusinessLayer would fail since implicit single quotes are used there.  This was exposed when using a view within a browse dialog where the string became the primary key.  This issue has been resolved.

Enjoy Smile

[Edit]Due to popular demand, we have created a quick sample app to demonstrate a few of the new features. This app is attached in C# code, and shows the StrataListView cell BackgroundColor and item AdditionalHeight properties, and how to pass parameters to a ChildFormDialog.[/Edit]

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