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We have just added a (DevExpress) Pivot Grid control to an app and a user reported very slow form closing (2+ minutes) when he had a fair amount of data in the Pivot Grid (50,000 rows).
On closer investigation we see this is also the case in a normal Devexpress Grid. We hadn't noticed this before because our users would rarely have more than 2 or 3,000 rows in a grid - generally just a few hundred.
In tracking down the issue we see that it's in BusinessBindingSource > ClearBusinessObjectList. Please see the attached to screen shots:
SF_Dispose_01 - here the code is disposing of a BO (for a Pivot Grid) with 2826 rows in the grid.
SF_Dispose_02 - here the code is disposing of a BO (for normal Grid) with 23664 rows in the grid.
The problem is that line 244 is executed for every row in the BO rather than once for the BO.
We are using SF in a VS2010 development environment.
This is proving to be a real nuisance for our user so, if possible, an early fix would be appreciated - even if it mean having to change our copy of the source code ourselves until a more formal fix is provided in a new release.