Many thanks Ivan, I have the child from working (I think) now. My problem was that , on the Form, I did not have the parent property of the Child form set .I have a few questions on the ChildFormDialog
1. Is it necessary to always set the parent property on the Child Form (is thsi not set in the ChildFromDialogue)
2. One of my problems was that I could not 'Edit' the text boxes when I had a button to call the form. I just put in a MyBO.Edit() . is this the correct approcah here, in other words do I need to do this ?
3. I am unsure as to what BO to place on which forms. On the List Form that I use, I placed both the Parent and Child, but also nocticed that they are on there twice, but I can only see them once of the form. There is a MyParentBO1 and a MYChildBO1 as aell as MyParentBO and MyChildBO. I dont think I put them on and also, I can access all their methods , but not their properties (i.e. The Fields from the Table)
4. On My Edit Form (Where I am editing the Child) I have the ChildForm BO (which I need to Bind the text Boxes). I had'nt got the parent form (but it seemed to work ok) , and then when I stuck on the parent Form, I did not need to set the parent property of the child form to the parent form . Is this ok . What is the correct procedure to adopt here ?