Business Object Mapper Errors?

Daniel Essin
Daniel Essin
StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 235, Visits: 309
see attached screen shot. there are 2 sets of failed to map..., invalid object messages. What do they mean?
bo mapper results.jpg (140 views, 44.00 KB)
StrataFrame Team
StrataFrame Developer (6.5K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (6.5K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (6.5K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (6.5K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (6.5K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (6.5K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (6.5K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (6.5K reputation)StrataFrame Developer (6.5K reputation)
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Isolated and fixed... I will post the update on the Updates Blog and get the install rebuilt in the morning once I get back to the office. SQL Server doesn't like you to use [sys].[sysobjects]...
Daniel Essin
Daniel Essin
StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 235, Visits: 309
OK. Good. I don't think I ever used sys.sysobjects unless it's in some stored procedure that a tool wrote for me. I know it's not in any of my views or tables.

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