Save/Cancel Buttonsif no Errors and want to save .... Do nothing as BO's will be saved from Parent FormIf Errors or I Choose to Abort the Changes ...... Case: (1) If was adding a record......BO.DeleteCurrentRow() or Revert to original state of BO; //I no longer want the record added (2) If I was Editing a record ...... Revert to original state of BO // want to keep the state prior to editing
I am not sure how to use the EditingState, as I need to kow whether I am adding a new row or editing an exisitng row, but it would appear that I need to have EditingMode = Editing to be able to edit either the new or exisitng record.
I am using childFormDialog. I have a Header Form for Invoice header details like Invocie No. Invoice Date and Customer Number (With a Save and Cancel Button where I want to Save All BO's (i.e. parent and Child ) out to disk.
On the Child Form, I have a Save, Cancel, which is really just for the user, so that they can 'Save' each child record, but no saving is done to Disk until the user selects Save from the parent form.
The 'Save' on the child form is really an indicator for the User , to finish with the current record and 'Add' another child record.
When all is done, i.e. All header data is input (parent BO) and all the child records have been input by the user, I want to Save the Parent and Child records to disk.
This is a good post to follow: