Error "There are no rows in the current data table. An edit is not allowed."

Michel Levy
Michel Levy
StrataFrame User (421 reputation)StrataFrame User (421 reputation)StrataFrame User (421 reputation)StrataFrame User (421 reputation)StrataFrame User (421 reputation)StrataFrame User (421 reputation)StrataFrame User (421 reputation)StrataFrame User (421 reputation)StrataFrame User (421 reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 193, Visits: 9K

On editing from the form, I get a message "There are no rows in the current data table.  An edit is not allowed." It is a SF message, not of mine.

(There are no rows in the current data table.  An edit is not allowed.
   à MicroFour.StrataFrame.Business.BusinessLayer.Edit(Boolean CheckSecurity)
   à MicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.Windows.Forms.BaseForm.Edit(Boolean CheckSecurity)
   à MicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.Windows.Forms.MaintenanceFormToolStrip.cmdEdit_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)

After validating the message, I can edit and save.

On a maintenance form, I've 3 BO. The IncludeInFormEditType property is set to DeterminedByBusinessObject.
The Primary BO is set on IncludeInFormEdit = True, the 2 other one are set to False. Only the primary BO is set to ManageUIReadOnlyState = True.
One of these BO is a child of the primary BO (ChildAutoFilter is set to MatchCurrentRow). There is a ChildFormDialog on this form, with BO translations for the primary and its child.
The only BO with no row is neither the primary, neither its child (the third one...)

The code for the EditingStateChanged for the form is in a Try/Catch, and the catch is never raised. Same thing with a try/catch on EditingStateChanged of each BO.

What could be the origin of this message? How could I trap it?

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