ListBox Control not rendering

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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Consider my brains dedicated to SF 2.0 Smile
Michel Levy
Michel Levy
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Don't worry about this listview, I prefer you focus all your brain on 2.0 Rolleyes
you know that french SF user either develop winforms app, either use third party controls for their web development, so nothing is urgent here.
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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Hmmmm....I have a number of folks that use the designer on a regular basis.  In fact, a week or so ago I sent a sample to someone using the designer and it worked. I will have to see if I can reproduce your steps.  The ListView is the primary list control used on the web side, and so this is what is generally used.  So you may be right on some of the lesser used controls.  I will take a look at this.

In truth, some of the controls will be getting face-lifts soon anyway.  The entire designer environment will be getting a face-list as well.  In SF 2.0 we will localize all of the design-time dialogs as well.  So you will be getting some lists to translate when we get to that point. Smile
Michel Levy
Michel Levy
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my concern is not that the designer is not in french (hope it will be soon Cool ). No, my real concern is that it is impossible to design this control in the designer (and radiobuttonlist and checkboxlist and bulletedlist, too). The code generated by the designer is wrong.
Edited 13 Years Ago by Michel Levy
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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All if this looks great.  You are correct that the ASPX doesn't rendering in the designer. This is functioning as it is supposed to.  I did notice that the designer is not in French, was this one of your concerns? 
Michel Levy
Michel Levy
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Hi Trent,

not that I use this control, but I'm writing an article in french, presenting all SF lists and combos controls, both for winforms and webforms. And I confirm that this ListBox does not render in designer mode.

I may write the aspx code in source mode:

        <SFWeb:ListBox ID="ListBox1" runat="server" PopulationType="BusinessObject" 
            Width="189px" Height="131px">
            <PopulationDataSourceSettings BusinessObjectType="WebApplication13.BOcategories" 
                FormatString="{1}" MethodToExecute="Data4List;" ValueMember="categoryid" />

  • I get that message (see listbox1.png attached)

  • If I launch the designer after having written the code, all seems OK (see listbox2.png attached):

  • And if I validate the designer by clicking OK, the result is... (see listbox3.png attached)

Hope it will help.
listbox1.png (219 views, 13.00 KB)
listbox3.png (220 views, 28.00 KB)
listbox2.png (227 views, 66.00 KB)
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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Could be, I still haven't looked...sorry Blush

Listbox is not a very commonly used control as there are so many better controls that have taken its place.  So I will add this to my list and get on it.  Sorry for the delay.
Andrew Harper
Andrew Harper
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Hi Trent,

Back from a week off - I loaded VS2010 and latest version of strataframe into a Windows 7 VM. Still can't generate Listbox - suspect that this is a bug in Strataframe.

Best regards,

Andrew Harper
Andrew Harper
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Thanks Trent.

Could you please post sample of what the builder generates for a list box so that I can try creating the control manually in the ASPX file?

Best regards,

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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Andrew, I have been doing a lot of SF web development lately, but I cannot recall using the listbox.  I generally use the listview.  So I will run a test to see if something has changed or if there is an issue.  Thanks.

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