Browse Dialog Results grid

Ross L. Rooker, Sr.
Ross L. Rooker, Sr.
StrataFrame User (195 reputation)StrataFrame User (195 reputation)StrataFrame User (195 reputation)StrataFrame User (195 reputation)StrataFrame User (195 reputation)StrataFrame User (195 reputation)StrataFrame User (195 reputation)StrataFrame User (195 reputation)StrataFrame User (195 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 153, Visits: 462
When the rowpopulating event occurs I need to get a reference to enumerate through the cells on each row and look at the cell values. If I find the word "INACTIVE" in any of the cells, I want to turn that line RED. If I find a cell value of "1/1/1800' I want to display an empty value in that cell. Can you give me a sample on how to do this? I have done it with the regular .NET grid and the Infragistics grid.

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Ross L. Rooker, Sr. - 13 Years Ago
Edhy Rijo - 13 Years Ago
Ross L. Rooker, Sr. - 13 Years Ago
Edhy Rijo - 13 Years Ago
                 I found out what was wrong. Thanks.
Ross L. Rooker, Sr. - 13 Years Ago
Edhy Rijo - 13 Years Ago
                         The code below is what I used to color certain rows based on the value...
Ross L. Rooker, Sr. - 13 Years Ago
                             Thanks Ross, glad you figured out.
Edhy Rijo - 13 Years Ago

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