Strataframe Listview Questions

Thomas Holste
Thomas Holste
StrataFrame User (356 reputation)StrataFrame User (356 reputation)StrataFrame User (356 reputation)StrataFrame User (356 reputation)StrataFrame User (356 reputation)StrataFrame User (356 reputation)StrataFrame User (356 reputation)StrataFrame User (356 reputation)StrataFrame User (356 reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 144, Visits: 618
Hi there,

after a while I started working on my new app again and encountered some

problems I can't solve by myself. I started an app which uses the

strataframe listview which really impresses me because of the wonderful

layout/design-options but I got two problems where I  need some help.

At first I'd like to tell you that the listview is populated by adding item with

the listview.items.add-method.

The first problem is, that I can not navigate with the up- and down-keys

through the list. I had a look at your listview-samples, navigating with up-

and down-key doesn't work there too. Am I doing something wrong or do

I have to implement this by myself. If yes, how is this done?

The second problem ist that I haven't figured out yet how to determine

the position within the list which is currently selected. For example say

that the listview has 15 items, how do I determine the selected item?

I checked all properties and their values in the debugger, but haven't

found a way yet.

Thanks a lot for your help and best regards


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