Delete on a Maintenance Form

Ger Cannoll
Ger Cannoll
Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 430, Visits: 507
When I delete a row from within a Maintanance Form, I notice it deletes from the Database immediaitely, unlike when I edit rows, I can Undo before I save.

Is there a way of 'Holding' the deletes until I click on Save, so that any Deletes/ Edits are all done at the same time , an I am also given an option to 'Undo', for deletes

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Ger Cannoll - 13 Years Ago
Ivan George Borges - 13 Years Ago
Ger Cannoll - 13 Years Ago
Edhy Rijo - 13 Years Ago
                     Hi Edhy. I put following code into the BeforeDeleteEvent:...
Ger Cannoll - 13 Years Ago
                         Hi Gerard, Why are you using the 2 overloads? are you checking...
Edhy Rijo - 13 Years Ago
                             Hi Edhy. I was using the two overloads to 'Future Proof' tha app (I...
Ger Cannoll - 13 Years Ago
Ivan George Borges - 13 Years Ago
Edhy Rijo - 13 Years Ago
Ivan George Borges - 13 Years Ago
Edhy Rijo - 13 Years Ago
                         But Edhy, the original Delete is being Canceled just fine. What is...
Ivan George Borges - 13 Years Ago
Ger Cannoll - 13 Years Ago
                         Good to know, glad we moved on. I am out of the office right now and...
Ivan George Borges - 13 Years Ago
                             Hi Ivan. I set the switch and inserted my own code , which works...
Ger Cannoll - 13 Years Ago
                                 It was coming twice because you areissuing delete twice.The message...
Ivan George Borges - 13 Years Ago

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