Error in call to base.OnPreRender(e) in ApplicationBasepage.cs

Marcia G Akins
Marcia G Akins
StrataFrame User (434 reputation)StrataFrame User (434 reputation)StrataFrame User (434 reputation)StrataFrame User (434 reputation)StrataFrame User (434 reputation)StrataFrame User (434 reputation)StrataFrame User (434 reputation)StrataFrame User (434 reputation)StrataFrame User (434 reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 322, Visits: 529
Hi All.

I am working my little heart out on a prototype using the web sample app. I have the search page up and running and am working on the edit page. After I clcik on Undo, I get this error:

[ArgumentOutOfRangeException: 'ddlOwner' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items.
Parameter name: value]
   System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListControl.set_SelectedValue(String value) +8548181

Now, I understand what the error means. However, I also have a drop down list that contains owners from the users table. On the seach page, the owner shows up in the listview with a value that is theoretically in the users table (Anyway, it looks that way when I look at the data in SQL Server). When the Edit page comes up, the slected value in the owners drop down list is blank, even though I can see the correct value in the control's list.

I have a similar problem with some other drop down lists on this page - same sort of error, same line of code. However, these drop down lists show up with the correct selected value when I first navigate to the edit page.

Any idea on what is going on here? I have a feeling that it must be something simple, but I haven't done much web programming and could really use some help.


-- Marcia

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