How do I pass parameters to a web form without putting them in the querystring?

Marcia G Akins
Marcia G Akins
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Hi all.

This a a very noobie question, but I do mostly winforms development. I need to create a web page that I can send a link to from my winofrms app. I do not want to put something like this:


in the URL for obvious reasons. My first impulse when I see things like this is to put in different values and see what I can see Smile

So, I am creating my web page using StrataFrame and I just need to know the best way to pass the parameters when I send the link from my winforms app.


Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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You can do it several ways.  You can use a POST operation instead of a GET.  GET operations expose the query string like you mentioned and is more limited in the length.  If you want to use a GET operation, you can encrypt it using the StrataFrame 3DES class or even create a Base64 output.

Another option is to use session variables between pages.  For example:

Adding a Session Variable
this.Session.Add("MyVariableName", MyValue)

Retrieving a Session Variable
string myValue =  (string)this.Session["MyVariableName"]

Hope this helps get you started.
Marcia G Akins
Marcia G Akins
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Trent L. Taylor (1/4/2012)
You can do it several ways.  You can use a POST operation instead of a GET.  GET operations expose the query string like you mentioned and is more limited in the length.  If you want to use a GET operation, you can encrypt it using the StrataFrame 3DES class or even create a Base64 output.

Hi Trent.

Thanks for the speedy response. When I say that I am a noobie at webforms, i mean that I am REALLY a noobie Smile.

Since my winforms app is going to e-mail a link to a single web page on which the e-mail recipient has only to input a couple of fields, I think that the quickest solution may be to encrypt the QueryString.

I will search the StrataFrame docs to see how to use the 3DES class to do this and if I get stuck I will come back here crying for more help.
Edhy Rijo
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Marcia G Akins (1/4/2012)
I will search the StrataFrame docs to see how to use the 3DES class to do this and if I get stuck I will come back here crying for more help.

Hi Marcia, here is a quick sample on how to use the SF encryption class:

Edhy Rijo

Marcia G Akins
Marcia G Akins
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[quote]Edhy Rijo (1/4/2012)

Hi Marcia, here is a quick sample on how to use the SF encryption class:[/quote]

Thanks for the link, Edhy. I will look at it as soon as I get this page laid out and functioning.
Marcia G Akins
Marcia G Akins
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Trent L. Taylor (1/4/2012)
You can do it several ways.  You can use a POST operation instead of a GET.  GET operations expose the query string like you mentioned and is more limited in the length.  If you want to use a GET operation, you can encrypt it using the StrataFrame 3DES class or even create a Base64 output.

Hi Trent.

I tried using the 3DES class but when I try to decrypt using this code:

String DecryptedSignOffID = _3des.Decrypt(Request["pk"].ToString());

I wind up with this error instead of the web page:

System.FormatException was unhandled by user code
  Message=Invalid length for a Base-64 char array.
       at System.Convert.FromBase64String(String s)
       at MicroFour.StrataFrame.Security.Encryption.TripleDESWrapper.Decrypt(String text)
       at StlCI_new.EditSignOff.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\StlCI_new\StlCI_new\StlCI_new\EditSignOff.aspx.cs:line 25
       at System.Web.Util.CalliHelper.EventArgFunctionCaller(IntPtr fp, Object o, Object t, EventArgs e)
       at System.Web.Util.CalliEventHandlerDelegateProxy.Callback(Object sender, EventArgs e)
       at System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)

Now, the goofy thing is that just for grins and giggle, I tried decrypting the value right after I encypted it like so:

string EncrytedSignOffID = _3des.Encrypt(e.BusinessObject["sign_off_id"].ToString());

string DecrytedSignOffID = _3des.Decrypt(EncryptedSignOffID);

and it was happy as a clam. So apparently, there is an issue trying to decrypt the string when it is used as part of a QueryString, but I have absolutely no idea what the problem could be.

Can you help?


Marcia G Akins
Marcia G Akins
StrataFrame User (492 reputation)StrataFrame User (492 reputation)StrataFrame User (492 reputation)StrataFrame User (492 reputation)StrataFrame User (492 reputation)StrataFrame User (492 reputation)StrataFrame User (492 reputation)StrataFrame User (492 reputation)StrataFrame User (492 reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 322, Visits: 529
Hi all.

I finally got this figured out. All I needed was this on the Decrypt:

String DecryptedSignOffID = _3des.Decrypt(Request["pk"].Replace(" ", "+"));



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