Goofy Display on Windows 7 machines

Edhy Rijo
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Hi Marcia,

The problem is the size of the Font in Windows.  By default all Windows flavor will have the OS font set to "Smaller 100%), now with large monitors users play with the resolution and OS Font size to be comfortable with the display, if user changed the OS Font to Medium or Larger, then your WinForm application will not look as expected and very, very funky.

If the above is your case, then ask the user to set the OS Font to default (Smaller 100%) and to play with the Video Card Resolution to get a comfortable image.

Edhy Rijo

Ivan George Borges
Ivan George Borges
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That's why I guessed about the Anchor, since it depending on how it was set, if the user resizes the form, the controls would follow them and show different sizes in different machines.
Maybe you could attach a screen shot of the problem and then we would get a better "picture" of it. Smile

And yeah, I guess a different screen resolution or theme could be an issue as well.
Marcia G Akins
Marcia G Akins
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Ivan George Borges (1/18/2012)
Never seen anything like it.
Just in case, have you checked how these controls' Anchor property is set?

Hi Ivan.

The anchor is left at the default. The point is that these controls display differently on different machines. It has to be either the OS (possibly themes) or the monitor.

-- Marcia
Ivan George Borges
Ivan George Borges
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Group: StrataFrame MVPs
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Never seen anything like it.
Just in case, have you checked how these controls' Anchor property is set?
Marcia G Akins
Marcia G Akins
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Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 322, Visits: 529
Hi all.

I was wondering if anyone else has seen this. I have a Strataframe Winforms app sitting on a server. People run the app from their various local machines. On some Windows 7 machines, I have noticed that the display is kind of goofy - group boxes and ListViews do not appear as they do I my XP machine. Most of the time they are stretched to the maximum width of the screen and sometimes the ListViews are squished on the Windows 7 machines.

At least I am assuming that this is aWindows 7 anomaly. I suppose it could be the monitors that these people are using.

Has anyone experienced anything like this and what did they do to fix it?



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