Probelm showing Manually Created BO in devexpress Grid

Ger Cannoll
Ger Cannoll
Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 430, Visits: 507
I am having  a problem displaying fields in a Devex Grid. The only fields that will diplay, are the Original Fields from my Main Table BO

I want to select out different fields from a few joined Tables and display them in  Grid. For this purpose , I have set up a Dummy BO, with just two fields, and I use this as a sort of Repository to hold the fields I select out. So say my Dummy Table (And BuisnessObject) has just 2 fields D01_pk and D01_Val1.

The only purpose of the Dummy Table is to be able to join the fields and end up with one Table, but the only fields I can get to display are the fields from the original Source BO (In my case just 2 fields). All other fields just show blanks, even though the Business Object populated with the correct count of rows.

I have the following code in the Load of the form (I cannot assign the BBS to a business object on the form parameters as I have not yet created the BusinessObject, this is why I am setting the BusinessObject to the BBS in the Form Load)

Kernel_BOLibrary.XBO myBO = new XBO();        // My Dummy Business Object whcih I use to JOin other Tbales into
SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand();
comm.CommandText = "Select 1 as D01_PK,'XXX' as D01_Val1,  MyField1,MyField2,MyField3 from TABL1 join TABL2 on X=Y ";
bbsPost.BusinessObject = myBO;
gridPost.DataSource = bbsPost;

So in the Grid, DO1_Pk and D01_Val1 display fine, but I cannot get the other fields, which I have joined (MyField1,MyField2,Myfield3) to display


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Ger Cannoll - 12 Years Ago
Edhy Rijo - 12 Years Ago
Ger Cannoll - 12 Years Ago
Edhy Rijo - 12 Years Ago
Ger Cannoll - 12 Years Ago
                         If you wrap your BO in a business binding source, then attach the grid...
Trent L. Taylor - 12 Years Ago
                             Hi Trent. Thanks for replying. My initial route was to go with the...
Ger Cannoll - 12 Years Ago
                         Hi Gen, So as you said, if by changing the casing of the field names...
Edhy Rijo - 12 Years Ago
                             Hi Edhy [quote].....So as you said, if by changing the casing of the...
Ger Cannoll - 12 Years Ago
                                 Hi Ger, No problem I understand now. Well, since your need is to...
Edhy Rijo - 12 Years Ago
                                     HI Edhy. I thought of doing something like this, but what I want to...
Ger Cannoll - 12 Years Ago
                                         [quote][b]Ger Cannoll (2/10/2012)[/b][hr]Being able to select out...
Edhy Rijo - 12 Years Ago
                                             Hi Edhy, many thanks for your comments, and if you have the time, I...
Ger Cannoll - 12 Years Ago
                                                 [quote][b]Ger Cannoll (2/10/2012)[/b][hr]Hi Edhy, many thanks for your...
Edhy Rijo - 12 Years Ago
                                                     I have this working now satisfactorily, as follows: 1. In the Load...
Ger Cannoll - 12 Years Ago
Trevor Hendricks - 12 Years Ago
Ger Cannoll - 12 Years Ago

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