I want my enum to sort numerically, not alphabeltically

Marcia G Akins
Marcia G Akins
StrataFrame User (492 reputation)StrataFrame User (492 reputation)StrataFrame User (492 reputation)StrataFrame User (492 reputation)StrataFrame User (492 reputation)StrataFrame User (492 reputation)StrataFrame User (492 reputation)StrataFrame User (492 reputation)StrataFrame User (492 reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 322, Visits: 529
Hi all.

This one has to be simple. I have an enum for months of the year. I am populating a combo box iin my browse dialog from the enum. But when the browae dialog is displayed, it displays the months in alphabetical order, not the order in which they appear in the year.

What do I have to do to fix this?



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Marcia G Akins - 12 Years Ago
Edhy Rijo - 12 Years Ago
Marcia G Akins - 12 Years Ago
Edhy Rijo - 12 Years Ago
                     [quote][b]Edhy Rijo (2/21/2012)[/b][hr]Ooops, I missed the...
Marcia G Akins - 12 Years Ago
                         [quote][b]Marcia G Akins (2/21/2012)[/b][hr]So are you telling me that...
Edhy Rijo - 12 Years Ago
                             [quote][b]Edhy Rijo (2/21/2012)[/b]Well, basically that I don't see a...
Marcia G Akins - 12 Years Ago
                                 The combobox won't automatically sort a BO content when populated with...
Ivan George Borges - 12 Years Ago
                                     Hi Ivan. Thanks. That is what I have already done :) Marcia
Marcia G Akins - 12 Years Ago
                                         You're welcome Marcia. Glad you got it working. :cool:
Ivan George Borges - 12 Years Ago

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