Can't add new record to Janus grid

Kingsley Price
Kingsley Price
StrataFrame Beginner (4 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (4 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (4 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (4 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (4 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (4 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (4 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (4 reputation)StrataFrame Beginner (4 reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 4, Visits: 1.1K
I'm using typical BusinessBindingSource techniques to bind to Janus GridEX (3.5) control, all works well except when adding new records. The new values disappear from the grid when you move to the next row and you receive Null key value error when trying to save.  I have tested BO/BBS with DataGridView and it works fine.

Janus support suggests that ..."if you implement AddItem method in the IBindingList interface, it will add the records without the need of handling the GetNewRecord event" GetNewRecord  is a grid event to handle manually adding a new row to a collection or when implementing IList interface.

Seeing BBS implements IBindingListView I thought that AddItem would be handled.

Anyone had this problem, any ideas?

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