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Hoping that anybody using a DEvex grid might be able to assist here. I have a form that selects out say 20 Parent Rows and displays them on a Grid. I then want to be able to click on one of the rows, and bring up the Children of the parent (as a drop down in the Devex grid i.e. when the '+' symbol is pressed) . I then want to be able to Edit a few columns on the child, and when finished, update all the children back to the database.
I have the basic mechanics of parent / child grids working fine with SF and DEvex. What I have not done before is have a facility to edit a child and save back to the database.
The approcah I was going to use was:
1. When I enter the form, select out all the Parent rows into a ParentBO
Also , at this stage, select ALL the children (For Every parent) into a Child BO
(Can do this using a Stored Procedure and Table valued paramter)
2. If I want to edit a Child, click on the Parent, and this will have to bring up the Children of the Parent I am on
How do I access the Children of the Parent Only that I have clicked (and not see ALL children of other parents also)
Maybe a Filter on the BO ....never done this..... would it work and would it be responsive enough
3. When I click Save to save all children, Have code that updates the backend table...I think I can manage this ok
So if anybody has any ideas on Point 2 above, would be much appreciated