Take 2 environments (arbitrarily)
Development DB Name: Inventory_dev
Procution DB Name: Inventory
I develop, test and proof on Inventory_dev. Any sysobjects changes are summed into a script file. Application changes are made, tested and proofed. New binary is created.
Prerelease: Restore a production copy of db to Inventory_stage, apply db change script, install new ap, test
Release: During downtime (maintenance period), I isolate the system (drop any users and lock), Apply DB scripts, install new ap, test
With this model I have to change the bo mapping for the DB property for each bo (which kind of invalidates my testing) in order move from dev to stage to production.
Normally I would use a centalized, externally configurable conn string but with SF I just can't seem to get that model to work.
There has got to be a better way to do this & still use SF - where am I missing the boat?
Tx - J