Random Error

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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It should have been in your build, but let's make sure that you have the most recent assemblies.  I am going to create a package file and send it to you here in a bit.
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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We are going to take a different approach here.  We are going to try and replicate your scenario first and see if we can get it to fail.  Once we can get it to fail then it is an easy next step to get you a solution.  So give us a day or two and we are going to try and create a sample that fails in a lab setting so that we can make sure that we are on the same page.  We may send you an email or two if we can't replicate it.  Thanks for your patience.
Larry Caylor
Larry Caylor
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Thanks for the update. I'll wait to see what you find out.
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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The whole issue pertains to the transaction, I think that much as been established.  But we will try and come up with a solid scenario so we can really prove it out.
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We got it fixed.  The issue has existed since the beginning.  Looking through our exception logs from PracticeStudio, several of our customers end up getting the issue on a routine basis.  There was never any method to the madness of when the exception would occur, though.  The problem was exactly like you said, we were creating a new connection and opening it in the DbDataSourceItem.ExecuteReader() method that was a local variable so it would simply go out of scope.  That made it rather hard to track.  The connection was used when you weren't on a transaction.  It would be properly cleaned up at the end of the execution.  But if you were using a transaction, the variable would go out of scope and would have to rely on the garbage collection to clean it up.  That made the error rather random.  If your .NET environment was GC'ing regularly, then the connections would be removed and returned to the pool without issue.  But, if your application wasn't needing GCs then the pool would be consumed.  We did finally find a scenario that allowed us to chew up the pool and reproduce the problem consistently, so we know that the issue is resolved.

We build v1.7.8.0 and posted it on the downloads section of the My Account area.  Let me know if it doesn't fix your issue.
Larry Caylor
Larry Caylor
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I didn't see a v 1.7.8 in the download area, but I did see v for the framework. I didn't see any changes to the ES server. I download the new framework version and ran my test program. I still get the error when saving on a transaction. With no transaction everything works fine no matter how many records I throw at it.

dll version.png (158 views, 44.00 KB)
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Sorry, we changed the version to instead of 1.7.8 before it was built.  That is the right version.  There were no changes to the ES.  The fix was in MicroFour StrataFrame Base.  You'll need to put that new Base assembly (and the others) with your ES and try it again.  You'll probably need to recycle the app pool after you swap out the assemblies.  We may end up needing to rebuild the ES for you, too, but I don't believe any signatures changed, so you shouldn't have any issues with MissingMethodExceptions or anything like that.
Larry Caylor
Larry Caylor
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I replaced the Base and Enterprise dl's on the ES server and restarted IIS. Save on transaction with >120 records still fails.

ES dll.png (169 views, 18.00 KB)
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Can you zip up your test database and test project and send them to me so I can debug it?  That way I know we'll be looking at the same thing...
Larry Caylor
Larry Caylor
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Group: Awaiting Activation
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Attached are the files. The application is a PKWare self extracting file. It's a simple program that creates some data records then allows you to save them with or without a transaction. It allows a parent child relationship to be defined but so far I can get it to consistently fail with just a parent record count > 120 and no child records.


Edit: bchase (deleted attachments)
Edited 11 Years Ago by Ben Chase

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