Setting Order By in Browse Dialog Search Results

Govinda Berrio
Govinda Berrio
StrataFrame User (240 reputation)StrataFrame User (240 reputation)StrataFrame User (240 reputation)StrataFrame User (240 reputation)StrataFrame User (240 reputation)StrataFrame User (240 reputation)StrataFrame User (240 reputation)StrataFrame User (240 reputation)StrataFrame User (240 reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 94, Visits: 481
Hello all, 

I have a browse dialog that is querying on a table with 10s of thousands of records. 
When the user searches, with criteria selected, there are a lot of results. But, I have the Browse Dialog set to only get TOP 1000, to improve responsiveness.

My intention is to have the search results return the latest records first, sorted by the added_date field. So query I would need the Browse Dialog to perform is something like this: SELECT TOP 1000 * ... ORDER BY added_date DESC

When I set the sort order in the SearchFields editor, it sorts the records that it gets back from a regular query with no Order By clause, so the user is not getting the latest records. They're getting the TOP 1000 records in the order that they are in the table. 

When I set the BrowseDialog.OrderBy property, I can put the field there, but I can't specify "DESC"; I get the SQL error, "Invalid column name 'added_date DESC'."

Could someone please help me display the latest records in the Browse Dialog.

Thank You,

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