Tried New VISX with VS 2013 and Win 10

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That worked. 
Now you have more Info about how these things all work.
Thank you again.
Edhy Rijo
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Hey Terry, you are also becoming an expert in VISX installation Smile

My guess is that probably you tried installing the first version of the VISX and it crashed, once removed, the new installation finished properly.

Ben, probably later on, you would be able to configure that if the product is already installed, to give us the option to re-install or abort installation.

Edhy Rijo

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Ben, probably later on, you would be able to configure that if the product is already installed, to give us the option to re-install or abort installation.

Maybe if we choose to install it through Windows Installer.  I think the only way to get a VISX to update is to increment the version.  It's pretty handy, but pretty limited in customization.
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I don't know about an expert but I have done my share of installing uninstalling changing and trying many different options. 
I really just hope this saves others time and effort. Then it was all worth it.
Of course I also hope it helps Ben and his team to create the install that will fly no matter what the situations.
Thanks again.
Edhy Rijo
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Hi Ben,

I am getting some errors when trying to select a BindingField from the list in a text field, also when trying to access a BO.RequiredFields collection.

Error: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object:"

I am using the following:
VS2015 Enterprise
.Net 4.6

Also, so you know since I installed the VISX in VS2013, I opened another solution in VS2013 and the Type Editors are working fine, so the issue is with VS2015.

Edhy Rijo

Extensibility Error 1.jpg (172 views, 158.00 KB)
Extensibility Error 2.jpg (167 views, 117.00 KB)
Edited 10 Years Ago by Edhy Rijo
Edhy Rijo
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Hi Ben,

This issue is a show stopper with VS2015, hope you are available to take a look at this one.


Edhy Rijo

Andrew Harper
Andrew Harper
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Hi Ben,

I am getting the same issue as Edhy with VS2015, Windows7 Ultimate.

Also, I got the following error when trying to run the "Create StratFrame Toolbox Tab" menu option

I had to create the toolbox tabs manually.

Best regards,

Edhy Rijo
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Hi Ben,
I am also getting the exception below when clicking on a ComboBox.PopulationDataSourceSettings when trying to populate the Business Objects.  Unfortunately I am not able to setup the List Population due to this exception.

  Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Source     : MicroFour StrataFrame Extensibility

Stack Trace:

   at MicroFour.StrataFrame.Extensibility.ExtensibilityBasics.ᜃ()
   at MicroFour.StrataFrame.Extensibility.ExtensibilityBasics.GetTypeInternal(String TypeName, IServiceProvider Provider)
   at MicroFour.StrataFrame.Extensibility.ExtensibilityBasics.GetMethodsOnTypeForListPopulation(String TypeFullName, IServiceProvider Provider, ListControl ComboToPopulate)
   at MicroFour.StrataFrame.Extensibility.ListPopulationEditorDialog.ᜃ()
   at MicroFour.StrataFrame.Extensibility.ListPopulationEditorDialog.ᜁ(Object A_0, EventArgs A_1)

Edhy Rijo

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I have gotten this before. I even got it when I was using Win 7. I never really knew what to do but I was always able to get by saving and restarting VS a couple of times. I never reported it here since I thought it was a VS problem. I have not had it for some time or I have not used a combobox for a while but just Sunday I used one with Win 8.1 and I be darned if I did not have it. But again I got out of VS a couple of times and it went away. 
Michael Reese
Michael Reese
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Hi Ben,

I am getting the same issue as the others with VS2015, Windows 10.

Also, I got the following error when trying to run the "Create StrataFrame Toolbox Tab" menu option


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