There have been several queries about multiple license for those of us who program at night on our laptops and during the day on another computer at the office. How many licenses must I purchase in order to make this happen? Only one. The activation and deactivation process of the Framework takes literally seconds and can be executed as many times as desired. You can also use a USB network adapter as a dongle.
USB Network Adapter Dongle:
Since all activations are tied to a MAC address, you can buy an inexpensive USB network adapter. The network adapter does not have be plugged into the network, just plugged into the USB port and "Enabled". When activating do the following:
1.) Open the Visual Studio IDE on the computer
2.) Click StrataFrame -> License Information from within the Visual Studio IDE.
3.) If already activated, deactive by clicking the "Start" button. Then go back into the License Information window.
4.) Make sure the USB network adapter is plugged into the computer and choose it from the drop-down combo next to the "Network Adaper" label.
5.) Click the "Start" button to activate.
6.) Take the USB network adapter to the next computer and go through this same procedure.
An infinite number of activations are allowed for an active network adapters MAC address. The only requirement is that the USB network adapter be plugged into the USB port while working on any one computer that has activated on that adapter. To move from computer to computer, simply take the USB network adapter and plug it in the USB port of the comptuer on which you are working. This functionality exists for several reasons. First, as a dongle which allows you to activate as many times as you like while only consuming one purchased license. Second, this also allows you to format your computer and re-activate on the same MAC address without first deactivating. This can be a common occurance on development machines when we have to re-format and start over
as I am sure we have all had to do one time or another.
Deactivate / Reactivate:
Let's assume that I purchase a single StrataFrame Application Framework license and activate it on my work computer. But I installed StrataFrame on both my laptop and my work computer. At the end of the day, I am about to go home and I know that I want to program on my laptop tonight. Do the following:
1.) Open the Visual Studio IDE on the work computer
2.) Click on StrataFrame -> License Information from within the Visual Studio IDE
3.) Deactivate the license on the work computer
(drive home if you want to) 
4.) Open the Visual Studio IDE on the laptop
5.) Click on StrataFrame -> License Information from within the Visual Studio IDE
6.) Activate the license on the laptop
This entire process takes literally seconds (minus the driving home portion) and allows the developer to move from computer to computer at will. Simply reverse the process when going back to the work computer.
The deactivation process does not affect any of your projects and only prevents the type editors and builders from being accessed. Once re-activated all access will be regained.