BrowseDialog Question

Greg McGuffey
Greg McGuffey
Strategic Support Team Member (3.3K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2K, Visits: 6.6K
How would I set a static search criterion for a Browse dialog? I.e. I need to always limit the records returned by "project" (yes the infamous project), which is determined at run time. E.g. I have a process form (storing info about processes) that needs to always limit the search to the current project plus whatever criterion the user provides (if any).

Can I enter runtime determined values in the initial value, like a .net variable?

Is the criterion used to filter the BO or fill the table? If it used to filter, then I suppose the FillBy method that I'm using would do the trick.


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Greg McGuffey - 18 Years Ago
Trent L. Taylor - 18 Years Ago
Greg McGuffey - 18 Years Ago
Trent L. Taylor - 18 Years Ago

I need to have one criterion that is set by...
Greg McGuffey - 18 Years Ago
                         Well....just so you know, this has been on the enhancement requests...
Trent L. Taylor - 18 Years Ago
                             Any way to subclass this puppy and add some functionality, while still...
Greg McGuffey - 18 Years Ago
                                 Well, you can subclass a BrowseDialog so that you can reuse it over...
Trent L. Taylor - 18 Years Ago
                                     Okey dokey...I guess I'll have to roll my own.
Greg McGuffey - 18 Years Ago

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