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Could you explain the purpose of these two databases (StrataFrame, StrataFrameInternal)?
I had talked to you a week back about installing StrataFrame and the databases associated with it. I was told that it's not advisable to install the StrataFrame or StrataFrameInternal database on SQL Server 7.0.  So I installed SQL Server 2005 Express on another server to facilitate the installation of the two aforementioned databases plus the sample database.
Does the installation of these two databases on a server prevent me from developing further if i am not connected to this server or the network in general, say developing at home or in a hotel if i am traveling?  Should I consider installing all this locally on my laptop so I have the flexibility to develop anywhere?
What if i had (StrataFrame, StrataFrameInternal) installed locally but the database i was developing with, i was not connected to. Does that matter?
I assume that having the (StrataFrame, StrataFrameInternal) databases in a central location benefits Jeff and I because changes are updated to either of us when one of us makes a change.  Jeff and I are not working on the same projects so I dont think this will affect us.  Is that a correct assumption?

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Group: StrataFrame Developers
Posts: 3K, Visits: 2.5K
Could you explain the purpose of these two databases (StrataFrame, StrataFrameInternal)?

The StrataFrame database stores the configuration and data used by the Business Object Mapper, Database Deployment Toolkit, and Localization & Messaging Editor. The StrataFrameInternal database is used by the same 3 components, but stores the messages needed by those applications. StrataFrame's messaging system allows you to store the messages in either the data store or within XML files on the client computer. We chose to keep the messages in the data store, but since we needed the same table structure as is needed by the Localization & Messaging Editor, we added a separate database to store the few tables needed so that our messages don't show up within your projects.

Does the installation of these two databases on a server prevent me from developing further if i am not connected to this server or the network in general, say developing at home or in a hotel if i am traveling? Should I consider installing all this locally on my laptop so I have the flexibility to develop anywhere?

Installing on your laptop would be ideal. Since the databases are needed by the BOM, DDT, and L&M Editor, you cannot use any of these components without access to the database. However, if you don't want to install on your laptop, then you can use these components when you're connected and avoid using them when you're not connected... meaning you could work within Visual Studio all day, you just wouldn't be able to create a new business object or update an existing business object (because you can't use the BOM).

What if i had (StrataFrame, StrataFrameInternal) installed locally but the database i was developing with, i was not connected to. Does that matter?

This would be a less than ideal situation because you while can develop within Visual Studio without either database, you'll need the application's database when you try to run or debug your application. I don't know many people that can program for more than a couple ours without being able to run/debug what they've written to test it.

assume that having the (StrataFrame, StrataFrameInternal) databases in a central location benefits Jeff and I because changes are updated to either of us when one of us makes a change. Jeff and I are not working on the same projects so I dont think this will affect us. Is that a correct assumption?

Yes, you are correct in that assumption. Since you're not working on the same projects, you can each have SQL Express loaded on your laptops and it will not affect the other one. However, in a multi-developer environment, you will want to both use the same database as changes made by one developer will be seen by all developers.

Also, remember that you can change the database used by StrataFrame by selecting "Database Connection" from the "StrataFrame" menu within Visual Studio. You could have an instance that you use at work, and then an instance on your laptop that you use at home. Any application you create can also allow for the swapping of the database connection by calling MicroFour.Data.ConnectionManager.ShowAvailableConnections().

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