Help File Question

Daniel Essin
Daniel Essin
StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 235, Visits: 309
Throughout my help file HTML formatting tags are visible as in:

Private Sub AddSQLConnection()

'-- Establish Locals

Dim loSQL As New SqlDataSourceItem("MyCustomKey", "server=myserver;integrated security=sspi;database=MyDatabase")

'-- Add the new connection to the data sources


End Sub

Is this what you intended?
StrataFrame Team
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No, we have a JavaScript method that colorizes the text, but if the method is enabled when we edit a help topic within our help editor, then it permanently adds the colorized tags... I'll see if I can find that one and remove it. Thanks for the heads up Smile
Daniel Essin
Daniel Essin
StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)StrataFrame User (339 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 235, Visits: 309
thanks. the help is loaded with them. probably 100%

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