Anyone have a recommendation?
The RTF is being bound to the database perfectly, and now its output is being reported beautifully, except that it also quite embarrassing when the occasional flubbed spelling appears on reports to the executive team.
Hey Chris,
I ditto everything you said. We need the same functionality in our medical system. We are in the process of incorporating the Infragistics textbox and RTF control, in our application, to accomplish this task. It is easy to add dictionaries and the in-line spelling feature, squiggly underline, is very nice.
I don't need to point, you have found the control. You drop the control on a form and the property SpellCheckerSettings is emitted on a non-infragistics control and all you do is set it to enabled. If you use an Infragistics control it will have a property you can bind the current control to the spellchecker control, similar to a context menu and a treeview.
It comes with an informative sample and help.