I'm obviously missing something pretty basic here but I can't see it. I have a table with a GUID as a PK. When I save a new record I get the error:
BusinessLayerException An error occurred while saving an the data to the server.DataLayerSavingException Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'AGTID', table 'TMS201.dbo.tblAGTAttrGroupTypes'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.The statement has been terminated.SqlException Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'AGTID', table 'TMS201.dbo.tblAGTAttrGroupTypes'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
However, in the BO I have the field set as per screen shot - note the screen shot also shows the property code for the column. I have tried setting the bo control value to "Return Alternate on Null" but the result is the same.
I also noticed that, when I create a new row, a checkbox for which I have a default value of 'True', is unticked on the new record. I was presuming that the defaults settings in the BO would take effect when a new is presented to the user for initial data entry - is this not so?
BTW my test form is using a DevEx grid.
Cheers, Peter