BrowseDialog Requests:
1. Add a property to allow the display and modification of MaximumReturnedRecords. We can turn it on and allow the end user decide how much is enough to bring back. For example if an auditor wants to see "all" records, this will allow him to select ALL or just the TOP 1000 records.
2. Allow us to override the BrowseDialog replacing the grid that is used with something like UltraGrid.
3. Add an option to save, retrieve, remove Search Criteria.
4. Add an option to sort the result set that is displayed in the Results grid and returned to the Maintenance Form.
5. If the user elects to sort by clicking on the headers (one or more), sort the BO dataset and pass this to the Maintenance Form so the sort order of the entry form will match that of the browse.
6. Change the default status bar message from: "...and press [Return]..." to "...and press [Enter]...". I haven't seen a keyboard with "Return" in ages :
7. Allow the BrowseDialog to remember its display settings (X/Y pos, Height/Width, List format - ie. user moves fields, resizes, sorts, etc.) and once loaded again reset to previous settings. As an option of course
Have a wonderful day!