Browse Dialog Questions

Ben Kim
Ben Kim
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I know we can create our own BrowseDialog (per SampleCRMApplication), however I have a couple of questions prior to attempting to do this:

1. Is there a property exposed in the BrowseDialog class that will allow us to not only turn on AdvancedOptions but to auto-check it so the Advanced options always show next to the search fields?

2. Is there a way to permanently turn off the search results?  We want the user to enter the search criteria and hit the "Search" button.  Once the search is complete automatically return to the Maintenance Form.

3. Can a property be added to the BrowseDialog to show "Maximum Records To Return" giving the user the option to return top 100, bottom 100, all records, etc.?

4. Remember you were going to add a "Hard Filter" option BigGrin  For example take a multi-dept table - we only want to show the current user "his/her" departments records.

Thank you!


Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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Is there a property exposed in the BrowseDialog class that will allow us to not only turn on AdvancedOptions but to auto-check it so the Advanced options always show next to the search fields?

This was added per someone elses request in the last BrowseDialog updates that will be released in 1.6.1.

Is there a way to permanently turn off the search results?  We want the user to enter the search criteria and hit the "Search" button.  Once the search is complete automatically return to the Maintenance Form.

You can permanently turn off the search results, but the end-user still has to click the OK button or press (Ctrl+Enter) or whatever value you have for the keyboard accept.

Can a property be added to the BrowseDialog to show "Maximum Records To Return" giving the user the option to return top 100, bottom 100, all records, etc.?

You already have control of the max records I had mentioned to you in a prevous post, handle this outside of the browse.  This is not a likely feature to be added within the dialog itself.

Remember you were going to add a "Hard Filter" option   For example take a multi-dept table - we only want to show the current user "his/her" departments records.

If "hard filter" means that you have the ability to programmatically provide search values while preventing the end-user from chaning (or seeing) these values, then this has already been done in the enhancements made for the 1.6.1 release.  This was a very common request by many of our users.

Ben Kim
Ben Kim
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Thank you for the quick responses.  Is version 1.6.1 available now?


Ben Kim
Ben Kim
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... and how can I turn off Search Results ?  I see the hide button but no way via an exposed designer property or code to do it with 1.6.0. 

I do request an enhancement then.  If the results are not shown (which is what we want in this case), why would the user still have to click OK/Cancel?  In my mind the work flow should be:

1. User clicks Browse on the maint. form toolstrip
2. They enter their search criteria
3. They click Search
4. The search results should be returned to the Maint. Form (we have an UltraGrid on our Entry Form showing the results which they can further filter).

What do you think? Hehe


Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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Thank you for the quick responses.  Is version 1.6.1 available now?

No.  It could be as many as 30 days or more before we release.  As always, we will let you know via email when it is published.

What do you think?

This is not how the BrowseDialog was designed, so you are trying to use it in a fashion outside of the scope of the original intent.  You are basically trying to produce your own search here but just use our logic for the query.  As far as not showing the search results, all you have to do is turn off the Show Bottom Panel and set the search fields to appear in the top through the FormLayout property.

Ben Kim
Ben Kim
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Sorry to be a pain, but using the FormLayout of the BrowseDialog1 component, I unchecked the Show Bottom Panel.  The only Panel that should be showing is the Top Search Panel.  When executed, the results still show in the bottom panel.  Do I need to clear or set any other properties?   Also, why is the "Hide Results" button still showing if there is no result panel?

Also, I changed the "Browse" button text on the Maint. ToolStrip to "Search" and at runtime, it changes back to Browse.  In the WInForm Designer it still shows as "Search" not Browse.

I have rebuilt the project, cleaned it, exited VS and reloaded and I still get these results.


Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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Also, why is the "Hide Results" button still showing if there is no result panel?

Set the AllowHideREsults property on the BrowseDialog to False.


I really think that it would behoove you to look at the help documentation regarding the BrowseDialog.  I had mentioned this in another post, but a high percentage of the questions that you have posted regarding the BrowseDialog are covered in the help.  For example, this question would have been answered if you looked at the following topic:

Application Framework -> UI Layer -> Controls -> Browse Dialog -> Properties

Or if you had done a search within the help for "Hide Results" you would have seen 33 results returned, the top 3 would have given you the answer regarding this post.

The forum is definitely intended for asking questions, however, most times you can find these types of answers within the help.  Our help documentation is expanded with every update and continues to grow.  I know that not every answer is wihtin the help also, so please feel free to use the forum.  But from a technical support point of view, many times you will find your answers more quickly by looking in the help....or searching the forum.  You will find that many of these questions have already been answered on other posts.

We truly appreciate your business and enjoy working with you, I just want to make sure that you know where to find answers to your questions.

Ben Kim
Ben Kim
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I appreciate your efforts and have re-read the documentation for 1.6.  However, these suggestions still do not clear up my issues.


1. I did as you said and set the AllowHideResults to False
2. The lower pane is not shown in the designer (the only pane shown is the upper Search pane).
3. BrowseResultsLayout is (Not Set)
4. I run the software and it still shows the results grid after clicking search.  I understand why it is showing the OK and CANCEL buttons but not the grid.  According to what you are saying the results grid should remain hidden.  This is not the case.  I also tried to set ResultsHiddenOnLoad to True, Removed the caption from ResetText...


I set the Browse button text to SEARCH on the Maint. Toolbar.  When I run the project, it switches the text back to Browse.  I see no where in the documentation that states this caption cannot be changed.

I will definately re-read the documentation and search the newsgroups on areas where I have issues in the future.  My two current issues are not being addressed by documentation or from what I have found on this forum.

Again I appreciate all of the help you have given us in the past couple of months.  We are still learning .NET and StrataFrame...


Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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Everything you are trying to do here contradicts how the browse dialog is designed.  The AllowHideResults doesn't indicate whether the browse results will appear or not, it determines whether the end-user can do this at run-time by clicking the button on the toolstrip.

Again, I re-emphasize that you are trying to use the BrowseDialog in a format contrary to its design.  We have no plans at the moment of never allowing the results to makes it very difficult for an end-user to select which result item they want if they cannot see the results.

I set the Browse button text to SEARCH on the Maint. Toolbar.  When I run the project, it switches the text back to Browse.  I see no where in the documentation that states this caption cannot be changed.

You cannot change the text, add buttons (except to the end) within the buttons themselves.  Set the MaintenanceFormToolstrip's BrowseButtonText to "Search."

I have attached a sample to show you how to change this property and how you can expect the browsedialog to behave.

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