Group: Forum Members
Posts: 40,
Visits: 155
It would appear that the builders for the "Return Alternate On Null/Set Null on Alternate" as missing an "End If" in the "Set" block
''' FieldName
BusinessFieldDisplayInEditor(), _
Description("FieldName"), _
DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)> _
Public Property [FieldName]() As System.Int32
Dim loValue As Object
loValue = Me.CurrentRow.Item("FieldName")
If loValue Is DBNull.Value Then
Return -1
Return CType(loValue, System.Int32)
End If
End Get
Set(ByVal value As System.Int32)
If value <> -1 Then
Me.CurrentRow.Item("FieldName") = value
Me.CurrentRow.Item("FieldName") = DBNull.Value
End Set
End Property